Tuesday, December 11, 2007
holy long time batman!
well, its been a while since i been on this thing... and there have been alot of things going on... najin's having her final final exams at UBC and i'm happy and sad at the same time. Because this marks two things, she is a step closer in going on to the next journey in her education to Queensland 'Uni' as the folks down under call it (university) and secondly its means that she'll be leaving in just over a month or so... as that day grows nearer if find myself being less and less worried about the future, i pray that all things good can only come from this next chapter in our lives, though distance maybe far, there are lots of memories to share and continue to share and make more of in the coming times to keep us near in mind and heart and spirt... i find that lately there seems to be a growing need for me to have some type of family around since my brother has come visited and left i see that being independant literally begins with the lonely letter "i".. not to say that i dont have a support system around me, the church family, work friends family, friends and immediate family (not so immediately around tho) .. one quickly learns the value of knowledgeable good/reliable people in this world, they are hard to comeby ... if solid relationships are not maintained.. i'm not saying that in a sense of mechanically fixing or maintaining a machine that needs oil, or adjustment, i mean to say that durability of a friendship or relationship is based on a common trust in one another that each one reciprocally looks out for each others best interest and keeps them accountable for that..one that is forgiving and that is forthright, giving generously and receiving humbly all that is good for each other.. ah but what a rant.. i should try to collect my thoughts here so i dont go off on a tangent as i do so often, taking a vector that shoots off the brain with not so much aim..ah, well i finally bought a place.. it is perhaps a fixer-upper, something that when asked of where is sometimes a muffled sound comes out of my mouth with the location barely revealed, but when it does come out clear, i get the occasional reaction of "whaaa? why there?" ..LOL i just laugh, but i'm modestly proud of my little milestone and see that there is potential in the most unwanted in the world.. i dont think anyone wanted this place, but I did.. so there. hah. i intend to make the best of it. i mean i AM going to make the best of this place and see what i can do with limited resources and some sweat equity and some hard work. gimme sometime and i'll revisit this post with possibly some progress reports in the coming months.. great. hahaaha.. oh, its fantastic taht the Jun's are having a fully stocked family xmas this year since the arrival of her sister from uni for the winter/spring.. i'm happy that they can all spend xmas with each other and toby.. it should certainly be a time of rejoicing! ah.. family christmas..=) how nice! this year i put up a fragrant xmas tree ..its a bit smaller and a bit non-traditional but it'll do the trick it does give off a "black ice" scent with is almost intoxicating! hahaha.. did i mention i took my brother to Whistler from some snow boarding this year? well we got up there for the early season open and had a blast! this is probably one of the first times we actually went snowboarding together ever! it has been a common theme for the duration of his visit for people to mistake us for twins.. but c'mon.. we don't really look that much alike do we? i thought our names were, maybe a tiny bit similar, but seriously..LOL. ok i'm kinda tired, but i really should update this more often, ciao for now kiddies..
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